P. 29

                                                                                          OBINNA MAKATA
                                                                                    Beauty deeper than cosmetics
                                                                        signed and dated ‘Makata 2017’ (lower left)
                                                                                          aluminium foil on canvas
                                                                                                      122 x 152cm

                                                                                              N600,000 - 800,000

         Obinna Makata was born on 31 March 1981 in Nsuk- erism culture that has eaten deep into our society.
         ka Local Government Area in Enugu State Nigeria.  His works are predominantly collage done on paper
         He graduated in 2007 with a second class upper de-    and canvas with fabric (African textile). A style he
         gree from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, majored  calls ‘’African test style’’ as a respond to the dwin-
         in sculpture. Presently, he lives and work in Lagos  dling present condition of African cultural and social
         Nigeria as a full time studio Artist. Makata has partic-  value which he see as facing the challenge of the
         ipated in residences, workshops, seminars, Art talks,  test of time. Makata describes his style as ‘’a broken
         art fairs, auctions and over 25 group shows since  pieces of African culture’’ exposing the  omnipres-
         2007 and a solo exhibition to his credit.  Makata is  ence of foreign influence that continues to threaten
         inspired by everyday life and ever changing culture  traditional value system and artistic process unique
         of his space. he work with found objects which he  to the continent. His mixed media collages combine
         uses to address issues like history, race, modernity,  ink, acrylic and scraps of Ankara fabric to create nar-
         culture, social values as they relate to today Africa.  ratives associated with common aspect of daily life.
         In using these waste objects in his work, he mock-
         ingly points finger at the materialistic and consum-
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