P. 27

          Holes for homes
          signed and dated ‘Glo 1990’ (lower left)
          oil on canvas
          74 x 152cm

          N5,000,000 - 6,000,000

          Professor Ablade Glover was born in Accra, Ghana     – ACRAG – he has also obtained the distinguished
          in 1934. Trained in Ghana, Britain and the United  alumni award from the African-American Institute
          States, Dr. Glover is an established artist and  in New York. His paintings are shaped by brightly
          acclaimed educator who has made an enormous  coloured oil paints that Ablade applies with a
          contribution to art worldwide.                       spatula,  which gives  them a rich  texture and  a
          He has accumulated a number of distinctions, which  singular dynamic.  Thus, his impressive urban
          show his importance as an artist and enthusiastic  landscapes attract viewers and almost invite them
          educator in the Ghana and international art scene.  to step in and become part of the bustling scene.
          Until 1994 he was Associate Professor and Head  He has carried out myriad studies of the women
          of the Department of Art Education and Dean of  of Ghana, which suggest a certain fascination and
          the College of Art at the University of Science and  reverence. His palette sweetens when  he paints
          Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. In 1998, he was awarded  women, producing canvases that are brimming
          the FLAGSTAR Award (top award for Arts in Ghana)  with self-confidence, elegance and power, with a
          by the Art Critic and Reviews Association of Ghana  subtle touch of humour.
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