An Exhibition of Drawings, Paintings, Mixed Media and Installations
Through a skillful interface/combination of neo cubistic sensibilities, traditional painting technique and new media technologies Onwuka views his subjects and context. He uses installation to capture and represent their milieu and malaise as a screen so the viewers can explore the images and also access the path in which the artist has chosen. Through installation he has delivered the victims of his story.
Using De constructivist and constructivist juxtapositions. He releases them from the bondage of the Cartesian grid and rectilinear formation. Here the artist makes another allusion to photography whereby the rectilinear lens enlarges the image at the ends. Symbolizing the enlarged hopes he intends for the victims.
He creates a stew of 3 dimensional installation and 2 dimensional paintings to heighten both his visual and colour language. Resulting in an intense and powerful message. He goes further to engage in resultant end he hopes for the message to achieve.

Hidden brands

Oath keepers

Exodus cage